
Pagination with PagedResourcesAssembler
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Create a Spring @Scheduled task with @Scheduled cron and @EnableScheduling
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Spring Mapstruct simple guide from scratch (Custom @Named mapping methods)
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Spring JPA Text Search in multiple columns with JpaSpecification

Spring - Validate REST layer (Java Bean Validation API 2.0 - JSR-380)

Spring DataSourceInitializer - Populate database on startup (data.sql)

Load an embedded H2 database with initial data in Spring Boot

Configure Spring DataSource with Hibernate JpaTransactionManager and LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean

Spring Boot Messaging with JmsTemplate and EmbeddedActiveMQBroker  

Spring Boot Testing with JUnit MockServerRule and TestRestTemplate for mocking external services

Spring Boot @DataJpaTest with simple @Repository stereotype and JdbcTemplate 

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